
The UK Anti-Corruption Coalition and partners, in collaboration with leading think tanks IPPR, IfG and Bright Blue, are putting on a programme of special panel events for the 2024 party conference season.

We’ll bring together high-profile speakers from civil society and politics to discuss dirty money, political integrity and public procurement at Liberal Democrat, Labour, and Conservative conferences - find the latest information, including calendar invites, below.

After the pandemic: How can confidence in public procurement be restored?

After the pandemic: How can confidence in public procurement be restored?

Procurement accounts for around a third of all government expenditure. Issues with purchasing PPE in the pandemic have led to questions about how to hold government and suppliers to account when things go wrong. The soon to be implemented Procurement Act includes measures to improve accountability but how effective will these be? And what can the new Government do to strengthen accountability?

Featuring Katy Balls, Political Editor, The Spectator, and Nick Davies, Programme Director at the Institute for Government

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How can Labour reset standards in public life and improve trust in our politics?

How can Labour reset standards in public life and improve trust in our politics?

With Keir Starmer declaring restoring trust as the “battle that defines our political era”, reforming the UK’s standards landscape will be a key agenda for the new Government. This event will explore how implementing key reforms such as the long-promised Ethics and Integrity Commission and recently announced Modernisation Committee will work and what else should be done to restore trust in politics.

Featuring The Rt Hon Lucy Powell MP, Leader of the House of Commons and Chair of the Modernisation Committee, and Stephen Bush, columnist and Associate Editor, The Financial Times

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Combatting the kleptocrats: How to make the UK the anti-corruption capital of the world?

Combatting the kleptocrats: How to make the UK the anti-corruption capital of the world?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threw the spotlight on dirty money in the UK and elsewhere. How can the new Labour Government make Britain the world’s anti-corruption capital, as David Lammy MP has pledged to do?

Featuring Joe Powell MP, new Chair of the APPG on Anti-Corruption and Responsible Tax, and Dame Margaret Hodge, former MP and anti-corruption campaigner

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Fighting economic crime: cleaning up the UK's dirty money problem

Fighting economic crime: cleaning up the UK's dirty money problem

Economic crime in the UK is rife, bringing grave economic, environmental and reputational damage, not to mention national security threats. We discuss how economic crime is evolving and the policy measures we can take to combat it.

Featuring the Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP, Shadow Foreign Secretary, and the Rt Hon David Davis MP

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Russia to Westminster: What is the future of Anti-Corruption in the UK?

Russia to Westminster: What is the future of Anti-Corruption in the UK?

The UK has a big corruption problem. Whether it's Russian money hidden in London, Covid “VIP Lane” PPE scandals, or pumping sewage into our rivers - there are many fronts to fight corruption on. Our panel explores the issues ahead.

Featuring Edward Lucas, security expert and Lib Dem PPC, and Lord Wallace of Saltaire

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