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Combatting the kleptocrats: How to make the UK the anti-corruption capital of the world?

  • Labour Party Conference 2024 ACC Liverpool Arena Room 9 L3 4FP (map)

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threw the spotlight on dirty money in the UK and elsewhere. How can the new Labour Government make Britain the world’s anti-corruption capital, as David Lammy MP has pledged to do?

With IPPR, Transparency International UK and the UK Anti-Corruption Coalition.


Joe Powell, MP for Kensington & Bayswater, and new Chair of the APPG on Anti-Corruption and Responsible Tax

Dame Margaret Hodge, former MP and anti-corruption campaigner

Laura Chappell (Chair), Associate Director for International Policy, IPPR

Parth Patel, Senior Research Fellow, IPPR

Duncan Hames, Director of Policy & Programmes, Transparency International UK (a UK Anti-Corruption Coalition member org)

23 September

How can Labour reset standards in public life and improve trust in our politics?

30 September

Fighting economic crime: cleaning up the UK's dirty money problem